Voice Broadcasting

  • Voice Broadcasting is a simple communications technology that broadcasta recorded voice message (advertisement/ jingle) tothousands of call recipients in a very short period of time. Often used for community alerts,notifications, in business applications or for promotional purposes.

Voice Blast Calls

  • Voice Blast is a technique that uses computer technology to sendpre-recorded phone messages to n number of community membersat once. Business phone messages can be broadcast to customersin bulk fashion or emergency alerts can bedelivered to members ofa community.

Personalize Voice Call

  • Personalize Voice Call In Personalize Voice Call, you can uploadCSV file having phone numbers, name, andour IVR Server will Diala Call on the specific phone number and before broadcasting VoiceMessage it will say Hello Harish ...Your Message...... bythis will Caller will listen Personalize Voice Message. Like WeddingInvitation, etc. Detailed log will be generatedby server.

Bulk Voice Calls

  • Bulk Voice Calls calls are pre-recorded voice messages to a mobile orlandline networks across the country. Bulk voice calls areautomated calls which involves automated dialing multiplenumbers at once using computer managed lists, playing a prerecordedmessage to automatically dialed mobile or landlinenumbers. This communication technique of bulk voice calls has theadvantage of most penetrative reach and personalized messages.Bulk voice call Platform allows you to send the Voice Ads/Prerecorded voice message in known language to any mobile orlandline networks across the Country. Bulk Voice Calls is a powerfultool for publicity of the products/pass the message. The majoradvantage of bulk voice call is, it provides access to many targeted people in relatively short period of time.
    Bulk Voice is a simple communications technology that blasts arecorded voice message to hundreds or even thousands of callrecipients in a very short period of time. Often used for communityalerts, notifications, in business applications or for promotional purposes

Voice Broadcast Pricing

  • Product: Voice Broadcast
  • Rate(credit/pulse): Rs.0.40 per 30 sec.X no. of Calls

If your call rate is 40 paise, you will be charged for all calls that you broadcast and it does not matter if the calls are answered or not and 40 paise will be deducted per call for each 30 sec. pulse.

  • Note 1: You record your message and upload it as a .wav or .mp3 file and it will be transmitted to the list that you upload.
  • Note 2 (a): If your message is of 35 sec duration, and the person receiving the call listens to the complete message, 2 credits (80 paise) will be deducted.
  • Note 2 (b): If your message is of 35 sec duration, and the person receiving the call does not answer it at all, 2 credits (80 paise) will be deducted.
  • Note 3 (a): If your message is of 1 min 25 sec, and the person receiving the call disconnects after 5 seconds, 3 credits (120 paise) will be deducted.
  • Note 3 (b): If your message is of 1 min 25 sec, and the person receiving the call does not answer it at all, 3 credits (120 paise) will be deducted.
  • * There is a 1 sec call-setup and 1 sec call-disconnect time which gets added to the call duration.
    This allows only calls of 28 seconds of talk time to be carried in one pulse and 58 seconds of talk time to be carried in two pulses.
  • Product: Connected Calls
  • Rate(credit/pulse): Rs.0.60 per 30 sec.X no. of Calls

If your call rate is 60 paise, you will be charged only for calls which are answered and 60 paise will be deducted for each call which is answered for each 30 sec pulse.

  • Note 1: You record your message and upload it as a .wav or .mp3 file and it will be transmitted to the list that you upload.
  • Note 2: If your message is of 35 sec duration, and the person receiving the call listens to the complete message, 2 credits (120 paise) will be deducted.
  • Note 3: If your message is of 1 min 25 sec, and the person receiving the call disconnects after 5 seconds, only 1 credit (60 paise) will be deducted (instead of (120 paise).
  • * There is a 1 sec call-setup and 1 sec call-disconnect time which gets added to the call duration.
    This allows only calls of 28 seconds of talk time to be carried in one pulse and 58 seconds of talk time to be carried in two pulses.
  • Minimum Purchase 1 Lakh Voice Credits.
  • 1 Voice credit = 30 sec.
  • GST: 18% Extra
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